Ng’undu land title presentation


The photos are as per above on our 24 acres ng’undu title presentation at pcea unity church by Elder George Ng’ari who has been taxed by the presbytery to followup on the title with embakasi Ranching. It’s a milestone getting the title. The land was bought by the presbytery in 2005 for boys high school development and retreat centre among others

Ng’undu is a 24 acre property earmarked for massive development projects including among others:

  1.  Borehole with a treatment and water bottling plant for sale to community.
  2. Prayer/ Recreation centre and a Sanctuary
  3. Full-fledged hospital with a mortuary
  4. Educational Institution

Currently the facility houses an office block, servant quarters and goat/sheep sheds. The farmhand is rearing in excess of 40 goats/sheep in the farm making animal husbandly the major preoccupation. Water treatment plant is upcoming.

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