Last minute preparation for an exam


Preparing for an examination is not easy especially if the test covers a large portion of the school syllabus. In most cases, high stake exams tend to leave an individual stressed or anxious which can result in scoring poorly. The first thing to consider especially during the last few minutes before the test is to maintain calmness.  This can be achieved by taking slow breaths to reduce the heartbeat rate. As Christians, we are urged to remain calm in every situation that we encounter. In Psalms 23:4 the Bible states that ‘even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death,’ we should fear no evil for the Lord our father is with us in every step of the way. By reciting this memory verse, we can remain calm and focused as we prepare for the exam.

The second step to take during the last minute exam preparation period is to study several key areas and avoid broadly reviewing the entire syllabus. Take time to go through the essential parts of the class textbook. It is not wise to only pray and hope that God will guide you through the entire exam without putting in some effort. The Bible teaches us that as we develop our faith in the Lord, we should learn to contribute to our success for the Lord blesses the work of our hands.

Thirdly, while preparing for an exam, we should avoid distractions. During this period of exam preparation, it is easy for one to forget essential information when we lose focus of our goal and purpose which is to pass the exam. Distractions can be informed of friends who want to indulge in stories instead of revising for the exam. The Lord warns us to beware of such things that can divert our attention from the primary objective. It is advisable that you reduce movements and remain silent during last minute exam preparations to enable your brain to capture and memories the contents that one had studied.

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